Saturday, March 19, 2011

Shorter hair and more bows!!

Hello everyone!

I'm on a roll today with blog posts and plan to keep it up as I officially have a new camera that takes decent photos and likes to come with me everywhere. Today I spent the afternoon with Gaelle from Les Pitreries de Vanoue at Creteil shopping centre. I wanted to check out what New Look Inspire had in stock for the spring. I forced Gaelle to come with me so all purchases that she made are my fault - I'm not sorry! haha. We were both pleasantly surprised at what we found and it was plenty of fun. On our way out we popped into Douglas to have our make-up done as they had an Yves Saint Lauren counter set up and a most delightful make-up artist and stylist on location, Agossi - You can check out her FB page here . And now take a look at the amazing work she did- mine was a quick au natural look and Gaelle's was smokin'!!


Here I am with my freshly cut short hair wearing my Call Me Ponie red bow.

Here's Gaelle after having her makeup done - she looks like a famous actress from the 1940s - gorgeous darling gorgeous!

We also caught the end of a shooting of the TV show "Belle Toute Nue" which was fun, although we couldn't see much from where were standing above.

Just before leaving the mall, we ran into the host of the show William Carnimolla and he was very sweet and friendly.

For an afternoon of simple fun shopping, it turned out to be a whirlwind of exciting things! What fun!

xo Curvy Katie




  1. You both look lovely! Sending you both big hugs and kisses :)

  2. thanks!!! hugs and kisses right back at you!! :) ox

  3. Love the "Call Me Ponie" bow! I am positive it feels soft and looks cute at the same time! I love their leather skirts but they are so so so over the budget for me :(


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