Hey guys!
So, it has been several days since my last post, and I assure that it is unintentional, I have not forgotten about you. I have been working away at training for my new job which is going great. So let me see, what can I tell you about the week. I had my second hula hoop class on sunday which was great. This time we received our hoops and mine is a delightful red and pink hoop. Note to those who eventually get a hoop, don't take on the bus at a busy hour, I was in everybody's way. The class was different because we practiced hooping, obviously but she also added some new and more complicated hooping tricks to our repertoire. Two of them involved leaning back or forward and having the hoop rotate on an angle around your body, which looks super cool, but is a lot harder to do than it sounds.
On Monday night I went to my DJ class and it was awesome. I can't ever explain how much fun I have there to people because I just can't find the words. It is such a great bunch of people. This week we reviewed beat mixing and then moved onto baby scratching, which is basically what it sounds like. It's making little scratch sounds and working them into other songs. This week we just played around with it to get a feel for the process. It was soooo wicked.
After the class I went to the King's pub, the Wardroom, for Moosehead mondays, where I drank no Moosehead. Skyler and I enjoyed a delicious raspberry Garrison brew while hanging out and listening to a DJ pump out some old school hiphop. It was great.
Despite being a little tired on Tuesday I still made it to work in good time, sort of, and then attended my Uganda dance class that night. I was the only one who showed up for the class which was too bad but I still had a great time. I got to do a lot of the dance on my own and was starting to remember some of the steps,although that is not where my strengths lie. Even when I think back to my days of the Martha Hicks Ballet school, and how I was always one step behind everyone else, I think about how I usually need a person in front of me to guide me. Regardless, I had a great time and was really enjoying the music. It's the kind of dance that lets you put your own body into it. Even when I feel like I look silly I take a quick peek at myself in the mirror and notice that I actually look like I am feeling the music and interpreting it in the right way. Next week there will apparently be more people and a new dance on top of that! How exciting!
The centre is always accepting new people so if you want something new and really different you should come join me!!!
Since then, my week has been filled with work training, getting to know all the cool people I will be working with and random trips to the bulk barn and home outfitters with Amanda, Adam and Tyler.
On another note, the rain in halifax this week has been torrential. To say it was raining sideway is an understatement. I think all of my jackets have been soaked at least twice through to the liner. It is out of control.
This weekend is Thanksgiving and I am going to Amanda and Adam's a big vegan Thanksgiving feast. I can't wait! I am in charge of garlic mashed potatoes. I will let you know how it goes. I'll also try and post any good recipes that get tested out at the feast tomorrow evening!
I'll talk to you all soon! Happy three day weekend!
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