I have to apologize for the major delay in writing. I know it was been almost a month, but I must start by saying that during that time I was down and out with a nasty cold/possible swine flu situation. All of my fun activities had to be missed mostly because I didn't want to spread the disease and also because I felt more like lying around than doing anything else. Regardless, I am now back and have so much to tell you!
To begin, I had my last DJ class on Monday night. I'm so sad that it is over, but all good things must come to an end as they say, whoever they is. I made a final mix of 6 or 7 songs and got it on cd, as well as a tshirt with a wicked turntable sketch on it and a certificate saying I completed the program. We had a great last night of music, mixing and laughing. I can't say enough good things about this program because it really was so different and fun. Anyone who is 23 years of age or younger should really check it out. Here is the link again for anyone is interested: Rhythm
To show you just how awesome it all was, here is a photo of me mixing followed by a group photo from a couple of Mondays back. The photos are courtesy of the Rhythm FB group.

So as sad as it is that it is over, I had to move on. On Tuesday I was back at African Dance and was super happy that I went. This past week, Mufaro, I believe she is the coordinator of the Maritimes Centre for African Dance, taught us half the class and Vickie, my regular instructor, taught the second half. Mufaro was great, had so much energy and showed us a style of dance from the Congo, if I remember correctly. After, Vickie went over a Ugandan dance that I had learned before I got sick. This week was fun because there was another person who showed up so I had another person to dance with!! Hoorah!
In case anyone is interested in what music we are dancing to, I managed to snatch the songs from Mufaro and Vickie. Mufaro's song is by Koffi Olamide - Danger de mort and Vickie's song is by Karim Saava and is called Engoma.
Ok I will be back with more updates and fun stuff that is happening this coming week for you to check out!
Thanks for bearing with the break, but I assure you I will be updating regularly again. Also, I am looking for new things to start up as most of the classes I am taking are ending. Please submit any suggestions in the comments. I am thinking kickboxing and knitting maybe for the new year. What do you think?
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