Saturday, January 30, 2010

I'm back! Let's raise Moola!

Hey everyone,

I must apologize right off the bat for being so neglectful to my dear blog, and those of you who read it. The new year has been rather busy, but to the same token there hasn't been many exciting thing going on, as I have tons of homework to do. Regardless, let's leave the homework behind for a moment and focus on what is new and exciting.

I want to encourage everyone to get participating in any fundraisers for Haiti, as they need all the help they can get. You can check some interesting and very real videos on youtube of the disaster, that really stresses just how much help they truly need. Last weekend on Sunday evening I attended a fundraiser at The Seahorse, and some really amazing bands donated their time to the cause. You should check them out: The Stanfields, Andrew Hunter and the Gatherers, Telfer, Ryan MacGrath, Sam Ryan Band, The Caravan, Gloryhound, Dame Alexander and DJ Dave Stiles.

I realize too that a lot of us are living on our own very limited budgets, and in this case it is not always about donating money. When you can't donate money, you can most likely donate time. If you give the time someone else will give the money. We need people who can do the work so that others can pay to enjoy it. It is all a cycle, just keep that in mind.

FEBRUARY 8TH, 2010  - Benefit for Haiti concert at the Metro Centre

So with all of that  said and done, look around you and donate a little somtin' somtin' for a good cause. There are tons of events going on in the city!

Alright I'm going to be posting some more new and exciting things in a bit, but for now marinate with the links to all those amazing Haiti-supporting musicians. I also have a new project that I will be putting up very shortly and some photos of beautiful Halifax in the wintertime.

Stay Tuned Y'all!


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