Thursday, March 20, 2014

Happy Birthday Blog - A little thank you

Good morning lovelies!
So yesterday was officially this blog's 4th birthday and I want to take a quick second to thank everyone who has been a part of it and tell you what it means to me.
From day 1, when I was a 20 year old living in a teeny tiny room in Halifax, Canada, preparing for a big move to France to now, so much has changed. I have gone from blogging to learn how to love myself into now doing it to show others how to do the same. My fashion comfort zone has widened so much and helped me go from wanting to look quietly alternative to taking big risks and now to just wearing whatever I like. I worry so much less about fitting in and spend my time enjoying life and feeling fashionable.

My first official OOTD back in 2010
I can only be grateful for all that this little blog has afforded me since I left Canada all that time ago. When I arrived in France I knew 1 person but through my blog, I connected with several French bloggers who today are still my friends. My time in France would have been lonely without all those amazing girls who took me in and let me join their family, even with my Canadian French accent. 
When I came to London, I reconnected with people who I had met whilst visiting for blogger events the year before and they are still close to me now. My best friends in London are ones that I made through the plus size fashion and blogging community and I am so happy and lucky to know them all. You simply cannot put a price on what it is to belong to a community and to feel welcome somewhere, especially when you are far from home.
I want to send a big thanks to everyone who has read and followed me during this time, it wouldn't be the same without you. I will continue to keep posting my mug every couple of days in hopes that I can entertain  you with my style choices and as always love to hear all your thoughts.
I have a couple more special posts to go up during this week of celebration and of course the winner for the Junarose competition below will be chosen tomorrow night. Exciting!
Thank again and Happy Birthday Blog!


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