Wednesday, July 22, 2015

My Buddy Box

So thanks to the insane cost of London living, my handsome fiancé, Steven, and
I live in one room in a shared house in west London. We have a nice little place, but I must say that between my shopping and blogging bits, my side of the room is always a bit hectic. Recently, I received this big plastic box* MyBuddy Box and it's been a big help!

The idea is that you can fold it away and then pop it out whenever you need, like for a big shop, or going on a day out to the park with a picnic and toys or even just for general storage,
It’s really clever and the box, once opened up is really sturdy and reinforced so would be ideal for pretty much anything – even transporting things like plants in the back of your car. I know that sounds like a bit of silly suggestion coming from me, but back in Canada, that’s the kind of thing that we do.

Even something as simple as doing a big shop a couple of times a month, would be the ideal time to use a “My Buddy Box” – where we usually use big bags that are really tough to carry and end up crushing anything delicate – this could all be avoided and things could be tidily packed away and ready to be popped in the car. 

Since, I have my groceries delivered and currently have a tough time storing things in my room, as soon as I saw the box opened, I knew how I would use it.  For the last 6 months, my poor shoes have been in a toppling tower in two boxes, that have seen better days – and now, they all fit in this cute leopard print buddy box! Not only does that corner look so much nicer, but it also means that I have all my shoes in view and can grab what I need easily.

You can find My Buddy Box here and if you do get one snap a photo and share with me what you use it for!

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